Tagged with offshore

14,757 views November 29, 2021
Vestas V164-8.0 MW - a game changer in offshore

Vestas V164-8.0 MW - a game changer in offshore

16,659 views February 05, 2021
V174 Installation

36,443 views October 03, 2012
V164-8.0 MW - taking offshore wind power to the...

Capacity of V164 offshore turbine increased to 8 MW. The progress in the technology development has now shown that an 8 MW version will offer lower co...

12,881 views March 25, 2011
How Horns Reef was built

Video from 2002 showing how Horns Reef was built.

19,763 views March 23, 2011
Oldest offshore turbines still in flawless...

Ten turbines at Tunoe Knob in Denmark mark the very beginning of the offshore era in Vestas. Built in 1995, they are the oldest Vestas turbines locate...