Tagged with EnVentus

14,109 views November 26, 2021
Modularity - EnVentus Nacelle

The EnVentus platform is the next generation of Vestas technology, building on and leveraging proven technology from the 2 MW, 4 MW and 9 MW platforms...

9,698 views November 23, 2021
Introducing V162-6.8 MW

Introducing the new V162-6.8 MW. Part of the Enventus platform. Learn more under Products

19,888 views September 07, 2021
EnVentus Final Installation

Prototype installation video

24,510 views December 04, 2020
EnVentus™ platform - Connecting certainty with...

EnVentus™ represents the next generation in the evolution of wind turbines. It is the platform architecture from which new variants will arise.